Mike Zarra

Web Developer - Musician - Dog Lover


I am a full stack web developer and graduate of General Assembly's Web Development Immersive course with a fondness for a good challenge. I always strive to hone my skills in all aspects of my life. Whether it be dog training, music, or coding, I push myself to become stronger and more versatile in each skill set. I spent the last nine years moving around the Northeastern U.S. studying a variety of fields like music, marketing, and accounting at several different schools.

I loved the problem solving involved in accounting, but I fell in love with programming. There are always new challenges to take on, and the possibilities are limitless. Software development gives me the opportunity to continue learning beyond my education and throughout my professional career.


Gmail accounts are only required to sign up for Emaily and Stay Fresh, but for the others, you can make one up!


JavaScript | React | Redux | Node.js | MongoDB | Express.js | CSS3 | HTML5 | Ruby on Rails | PostgreSQL | TypeScript | Firebase | Cron | OAuth(2) | Webpack | yarn | git | Heroku | Python/Django | SCSS

Communicative | Empathetic | Team Oriented | Self-starting | Resourceful | Adaptive | Supportive

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Remote Cafe

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Remote Cafe is an application designed to help students and professionals find a cafe or similar venue that provides the ideal environment in which to study or work on a project. It was built with PostgreSQL and Ruby on Rails on the back end and JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, and Handlebars on the front end. I learned a lot about Ruby on Rails and SQL because of this project. I learned about how to explicitly define what data is expected in the back end and how to pass that data from the front end. I successfully created an active join table where users can post and delete references to records, and I created a case insensitve search-by-name method. This project is currently a work in progress, but feel free to click the image and visit!



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SpiritBinder is an application that simplifies the process of choosing a gift for a connoisseur. It was built using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL on the back end and JavaScript and jQuery on the front end. I learned how to create a case insensitive search-by-name method and broadened my use of jQuery and JavaScript built-ins with this project. Click the image to visit!

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Nozama is an eCommerce site built using Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, and Stripe on the back end and Bootstrap, Handlebars, and jQuery on the front end. Integrating Stripe with this application was challenging. I learned so much about working with multiple code bases (ours and stripe's) and we even added some security features to our own checkout logic. This project was team effort, and I am greatful to have been a part of it. Click the image to visit!
NOTE: To sample our Stripe checkout, use this card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242. Any three digit security code, future data, and any five digit zip code will work.


Stay Fresh!

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Stay Fresh is a tool used to prevent food waste. It uses node-cron to send scheduled emails to the user each week showing which items are approaching their expiration dates. I chose SendGrid as the email service provider. I also implemented Google OAuth2 for authentication so a valid gmail account is required to use Stay Fresh. I made this decision because the purpose of this application is to contact the user in real time, and this authentication process provides Stay Fresh with an email address that is guaranteed to work from the start. The front end was built with React and uses Redux for state management, and the back end is built with Express and Mongoose and uses MongoDB. I am still building this, but feel free to check out what I've done so far by clicking on the image. You can also click here for the github repository.


Burger Builder

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This application was for a course taught by Maximilian Schwarzmüller of Academind. Users can go through the authentication flow, add and remove ingredients to their burger, submit an order, and view their order history. It was built with React and Redux on the front end and is hosted and powered by Firebase. Click here or the image above to check out the deployed project.



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This application was for a course taught by Stephen Grider. It is a React/Redux application that runs on an Express.js server and is persisted by MongoDB. It includes features such as Google oAuth for authentication, SendGrid as an email service, and Stripe as a payment processor. It is hosted entirely on heroku, but feel free to take a look at the source code on github.

For Checkout - card#: 4242 4242 4242 4242, exp: any future date, CVC: any three digits
